Butterfly Gardens ROCK!
Create your own backyard butterfly garden to help conserve these important pollinators!
Create your own backyard butterfly garden to help conserve these important pollinators!
Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust is a Zambian NGO that is planting seeds for our future by bringing local youth together with nature!
The rare Amazon River dolphin — one of the last of its kind — has been declining rapidly, while emerging trends show fishermen are increasingly poaching these animals at alarming rates.
The Tanzanian government has reportedly approved a controversial highway that puts the Serengeti National Park’s delicate and invaluable ecosystems at high risk of destruction.
Concerned citizens of Mali are coming together to protect the last of the nation’s unique desert elephants from the insatiable clutches of rebel ivory poachers, as well as climate change-induced drought.
Some World Cup fans think smoking dried vulture brains can help them win their bets, but vulture populations are plummeting throughout Africa and beyond.
Coastal villages and pastoralist communities in northeastern Somalia report unidentified helicopters are spraying humans and wildlife with poisonous substances.