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World Cup Fans Smoke Dried Vulture Brains to Increase Gambling Odds

Some World Cup fans think smoking dried vulture brains can help them win their bets, but vulture populations are plummeting throughout Africa and beyond.

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Nelson Mandela Dreams of Elephant Corridors

The legendary Nelson Mandela works toward establishing an alternative to elephant culling in southern Africa.

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Disease Risk: Illegal Bushmeat is Passing Through International Airports

Bushmeat trade is not just a problem restricted to Africa, it is a global resource being exploited around the world — and now it may even be riding in the overhead compartment above you on your next flight.

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Somalia: Unidentified Helicopters Spray Wildlife with Toxic Chemicals

Coastal villages and pastoralist communities in northeastern Somalia report unidentified helicopters are spraying humans and wildlife with poisonous substances.

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