Prominent Wildlife Activist Tragically Murdered in India
Prominent wildlife and anti-corruption activist, Shehla Masood, was murdered in cold blood today, just outside her home in Bhopal, India.
Prominent wildlife and anti-corruption activist, Shehla Masood, was murdered in cold blood today, just outside her home in Bhopal, India.
It’s not just a tourist trap — it’s also a tiger’s worst nightmare.
Illegal wildlife trade is set to surpass even fast-paced habitat loss as the biggest threat to the world’s lorises — a tiny, unique primate found in Asia.
The Tanzanian government has reportedly approved a controversial highway that puts the Serengeti National Park’s delicate and invaluable ecosystems at high risk of destruction.
With so few tigers left to supply the demand for illegal wildlife products, the black market trade has shifted its focus to the next biggest cat species: the African lion.
FreeMe Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre is located in Johannesburg, South Africa and is working hard to save wildlife in the urban setting.
Some World Cup fans think smoking dried vulture brains can help them win their bets, but vulture populations are plummeting throughout Africa and beyond.